Parcours - Cross-Duathlon

Official program 3rd LCMT Cross-duathlon
Each day cross-duathletes will ride the medium-distances of our "mountainbike-stages"
19 May - start 10.10 hrs: 8 km running - 54 km MTB (see all details under the MTB-parcours webpage) & another 8 km running
20 May - start 9.35 hrs: 8 km running - 50 km MTB - 8 km running
21 May - start 8.55 hrs: 8 km running - 39 km MTB - 8 km running
Cross-duathlon will count a total of 143 km mountainbiking and 48 km running.
Cross-duathlon starts daily 5 minutes before the official starts of pure mountainbike stages with 8 km of running. After this run, all cross-duatletes follow the MEDIUM MOUNTAINBIKE stage, and finish their day with another 8 km run.
Saturday 28 May
- TRIATHLON starts@ 13.15-14.30 (after finishing your ROAD-stage)
- CROSS-DUATHLON: 8 km running before MTB-ride (at 9.55 = 5 minutes before start of MTB-stage), then MEDIUM-distance MTB and finally another 8 km running on same trail!
- Please note that this picture is still what had to be run in 2022, a new trail will be designed for 2023-edition in Malmedy!

Sunday 21 May
- CROSS-DUATHLON: 8 km lrunning at 8.55 hrs (5 minutes before group start MTB-stage), then you need to bike the off-road distance 'medium' and finish the day with another 8 km final run.
- Please note that this picture is still what had to be run in 2022, a new trail will be designed for 2023-edition in Malmedy!