Visiting a special person: Oliver, "Ollie" Schouppe

19 October. Visit to a special someone in UZ Ghent, Department of rehabilitation.
13 h 30. Special moment: handing over the LCMT-donation to Oliver ' Ollie ' Schouppe. For the occasion, his parents have the LCMT-jersey with them. Oliver pulls it on and poses proudly with me for the photo. On behalf of the LCMT organization and participants I was allowed to transfer to the family Schouppe this 800 EUR. A small gesture but apparently big support that was accepted with gratitude. Good luck and go on, Ollie! We continue to follow you on your way back to ' bicycle '. You talked already about your comeback on a tandem bicycle. Looking forward to that, I am deeply impressed by your courage & positivism. It features of course the great sportman that you are.
21 October. Let's reconsider a few things, 2 days after our meeting, one day after our internal LCMT-work meeting last night. If it's up to us there will there be a sequel-action, LCMT 2018 = 20 years = also searching to accomplish a ' higher ' goal that goes beyond the pure sports experience. Something that BRINGS PEOPLE TOGETHER, especially after an accident ... Ideas bubbling on. We hope to work them out in consultation with the family and Ollie itself. (to be continued?)